Implements of Modern Warfare
Special Collection:
07: Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Box 1, Civil War Stereographs
Accession number:
(1850-1929) William H. Tipton
Historical period:
Miltary branch:
Wars and Conflicts:
Civil War
H x W: 3.5 in. / 7 in.
Acquisition date:
Credit line:
Gift of Reginald W. Okie
Library, Third Floor
From 1985:
The Army and Navy Club, gift of Reginald W. Okie
recto: Artistic Stereo Gems of Gettysburg Scenery.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by W. H. Tipton & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
No. 707. (over)
verso: Implements of Modern Warfare.
Shot, shell, &e., from the Battlefield of Gettysburg, comprising the complete collection of Mr. L. M. Buehler, (the only one in the world); also Gen. Meade’s chair and John L. Burns’ musket, the property of Mr. J. A. Danner:
1. From Culp’s Hill, Rebel, fuse shell, weight 7 lbs.
2. From Benner’s Hill, Union, patent fuze second shell, weight 10 lbs.
3. From Rebel lines opposite Round Top, filled with lead balls, weight 20 lbs.
4. From Cemetery [Hill], Rebel, spherical case shot, filled with lead balls, weight 12.
5. From caisson abandoned on Trostle farm, near Round Top, Union, percussion shell loaded with lead balls, weight 10 lbs.
6. From a garden in W. Middle Street, Whitworth fuze, Rebel, weight 12 lbs.
7. From caisson abandoned in Baltimore St., on Wednesday, Union, 8 lbs.
8. From caisson left on Jno. [John] Crawford’s farm, near Round Top, solid shot, 8 lbs.
9. From Culp’s Orchard [either Culp’s Hill or the Peach Orchard], between Cemetery [Hill] and Rock Creek, second fuse Parrott [Robert Parker Parrott, 1804-1877], 17
10. From Codori Farm, on Emmitsburg Road, 1 mile from Gettysburg, fuze Hotchkiss shell filled with balls, Rebel, weight 12 lbs.
11. From Willoughby Run, near Millerstown Road, percussion Hotchkiss shell, Union, weight 6 lbs.
12. Cemetery Hill, canister filled with balls, not used, Union, weight 6 lbs.
13. Near McAllister’s dam [McAllister’s Mill], Rock Creek, has wooden plug, Rebel, weight 8 lbs.
14. Antietam, solid shot, weight 6 lbs.
15. Near general hospital grounds, shot from Cemetery [Hill], Hotchkiss fuse, weight 7.
16. Between Cemetery [Hill] and Seminary Ridge, canister shot, Union, weight 6 lbs.
17. Near Gen. Meade’s headquarters, spherical case shot, Rebel, weight 12 lbs;
18. General hospital grounds, Hotchkiss shell, Union, weight 8 lbs.
19. See No. 7, percussion shell, weight 9 lbs.
20. Baltimore Road [Baltimore Pike], near Cemetery [Hill], fuze Parrott shell, Rebel, weight 10 lbs.
21. Spangler’s Meadow, Baltimore Road [Baltimore Pike], wooden fuze plug, Rebel, weight 8 lbs.
22. Cemetery Hill, spherical case shot, filled with balls, Rebel, weight 8 lbs.
23. Near Cemetery Hill, solid shot, Rebel, weight 10 lbs.
24. Rose Farm [aka The Wheatfield], between Round Top and Rebel line, fuze shell, weight 10 lbs.
25. Fuze Parrott shell, where found not known, weight 12 lbs.
26. See 8, spherical case filled with balls, fuze second shell, weight 6 lbs.
27. Rebel lines opposite Round Top, percussion Parrott shell, Union, weight 9 lbs.
28. Bliss Farm, between Cemetery Hill and Seminary Ridge, weight 8 lbs.
29. Near Rebel lines, opposite 3d corps [III Corps, Third Army Corps], Hotchkiss, fuze filled with balls, Union, 12.
30. See 7, Hotchkiss fuze shell, Union, weight 8 lbs.
31. Behind Rebel lines on Seminary Ridge, solid shot, weight 12 lbs.
32. Solid shot, where found not known, weight 6 lbs.
33. Near Gen. Meade’s headquarters, Rebel, weight 10 lbs.
34. Solid shot, where found not known, weight 7 lbs.
35. Near Cemetery Hill, fuze Parrott shell, Rebel, weight 17 lbs.
36. Wolf Hill, Whitworth solid shot, Rebel, weight 13 lbs.
37. Between Seminary Ridge and Cemetery Hill, fuze, weight 8 lbs.
38. Patterson’s Woods, near Round Top, percussion, weight 12 lbs.
39. Round Top percussion Parrott shell, Rebel, weight 8 lbs.
40. McMillan’s orchard [McMillan Farm], Seminary Ridge, Schenkle’s [Schenkl] patent percussion shell, filled with lead balls, weight 16 lbs.
41. North of Little Round Top, percussion Parrott shell, Rebel, weight 17 lbs.
42. Mr. [John] Herbst’s farm, near Willoughby Run, percussion shell, weight 16 lbs.
43. See 42, fuze Parrott shell filled with balls, weight 8 lbs.
44. Near Little Round Top, fuze Hotchkiss shell, Rebel, weight 14 lbs.
45. See 38, percussion shell, Union, weight 8 lbs.
46. See 10, canister shot, Union, weight 6 lbs.
47. Near Cemetery [Hill], fuze Parrott shell filled with lead balls, Rebel, 12 lbs.
48. Solid shot, where found not known, weight 10 lbs.
49. Fuse Parrott shell, where found not known, weight 14 lbs.
50. From front of Round Top, spherical case shot, weight 16.
Flint-lock musket used by John L. Burns, at Gettysburg.
Chair used by Gen. Meade, at Gettysburg.
Photographed by W. H. Tipton & Co.,
Publishers American and Foreign Stereoscopic Views,
5 York St., Gettysburg, PA.
(The weights given of unloaded shells.)