A Friend in Need

Accession number:

Charles Schreyvogel

Historical period:
ca. 1901

Miltary branch:

Wars and Conflicts:


H x W: 15 in. / 20 in.

Acquisition date:
ca. 1988

Credit line:
The Army and Navy Club Library Trust Fund




This is a reproduction of a color oil painting by Charles Schreyvogel. The location of the original painting is unknown, but a copy similar to this one is in the collection of the Library of Congress. Schreyvogel, like his contemporary Frederic Remington, based his portrayals of cowboys and cavalrymen on a combination of firsthand experience and masculine escapist fantasy. Between 1893 and 1905 he made frequent visits to the western states and territories, collecting Indian and military artifacts for the authentically detailed paintings he produced in his Hoboken, New Jersey studio. "A Friend in Need" portrays a soldier bandaging the leg of his injured horse while his partner waits for him on horseback in the distance.